Annual Men’s Ministry Retreat
This event is for adult men who are interested in growing their faith or helping other men grow in theirs. Whether you’re undecided about faith in God, are a new…
This event is for adult men who are interested in growing their faith or helping other men grow in theirs. Whether you’re undecided about faith in God, are a new…
We love Wednesday Night! Beginning September 13th at 5:15, the Wednesday Night gathering is a great next step for people and families to connect and grow together. There is something special about sharing a meal and spending time with people who love God; it is a valuable time for all ages – from infants to…
Moms Group will meet this fall beginning on September 14th! The group meets every other Wednesday in the Children’s Unit from 9:30-10:45. Kids are welcome. This year, the group will be reading and discussing the book Risen Motherhood. Let the team know you’re coming by signing up at this link.
Check out a new goup, a "ministry for men pursuing purity and godliness." This group begins Sept. 21st and will meet every Thursday until Dec. 21st, from 6-8 pm at Faith Alliance Church. To find out more information about Proven Men, visit the website: Let us know you're coming to the group by signing…
Location: Brian and Susan Kramer's House Bring a campfire snack to share, a lawn chair, and a a drink. Hotdog and s'mores ingredients will be provided.
Join us for the annual Fall Fest! Check out a free dinner, loads of games and entertainment for kids of all ages, fun and friendship with others. All for free! Our event will contine rain or shine! Please see the fair weather schedule and the rain schedule below: Fair Weather Schedule: Inflatables – 4:30pm –…
If you’re new around FAC, or looking to learn more or get connected, join us at the Meet and Greet on Sunday, October 22nd. Meet in the Fellowship Hall after service for a light lunch. Click here to sign up!
The Women's Ministry Team invites you to come enjoy a breakfast and time in an Advent study for four Fridays prior to Christmas. Breakfast and devotional time begins at 7…
Let the Christmas story come alive at our annual Live Nativity! See live animals and real people in an interactive Nativity scene. Come inside and enjoy children's crafts, hot chocolate,…
Come celebrate our Savior's birth! Christmas Eve Service will take place on December 24th at 4 PM. There will be no Sunday morning service on the 24th, and no services…