Meet and Greet
If you’re new around FAC, or looking to learn more or get connected, join us at the Meet and Greet on Sunday, October 22nd. Meet in the Fellowship Hall after service for a light lunch. Click here to sign up!
If you’re new around FAC, or looking to learn more or get connected, join us at the Meet and Greet on Sunday, October 22nd. Meet in the Fellowship Hall after service for a light lunch. Click here to sign up!
The Women's Ministry Team invites you to come enjoy a breakfast and time in an Advent study for four Fridays prior to Christmas. Breakfast and devotional time begins at 7 AM and wraps up in time for participants to make it work. For 2023, Advent breakfasts will take place on November 17th, December 1st, and…
Let the Christmas story come alive at our annual Live Nativity! See live animals and real people in an interactive Nativity scene. Come inside and enjoy children's crafts, hot chocolate,…
Come celebrate our Savior's birth! Christmas Eve Service will take place on December 24th at 4 PM. There will be no Sunday morning service on the 24th, and no services…
Are you new around Faith Alliance Church? Do you have a friend who has been visiting FAC? You're invited to attend the Meet and Greet on January 28th after service.…
Intro to Faith is a class that shares more about Faith Alliance Church - who we are and what we're about: ministries, denomination, history, etc... It's great for anyone who…
Beulah Beach WinterWave is going to be the best weekend of your child’s entire winter! They will have more fun than they thought possible, be stretched spiritually, engage in life-challenging discussions, make new…
All men are invited to attend a breakfast on February 17th at 7 AM! Meet in the Fellowship Hall at the main church to enjoy food, time together, and a…
The Missions Team will be hosting a Pie Auction and Chili Luncheon on Sunday, March 3rd after service. Proceeds will support mission trips for Tea House and Envision. Come and…
Spring Women's Retreat Who Do You Say I Am? Resting in the Character of God Friday, March 8th - Sunday, March 10th Maumee Bay State Park What should I expect…