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Faith Alliance Church Mission Trip Opportunities:

  • Tea House – Jodi Shimp leads a team to Greece for a Vacation Bible School/Field Forum for missionary parents every summer.  If you are interested in this trip please contact Jodi Shimp at 

      [email protected].

  • Gabon – Vicki Quellhorst leads a team to Gabon each spring to teach widows advance sewing classes.  If you are interested in this trip, please contact Vicki Quellhorst at [email protected]

Mission Partnerships

Christian & Missionary Alliance Partners

  • Tea House
  • Indonesia??
  • Kurdistan??


E4 Project: Gabon, Africa – Hope House & Hands of Grace

Hope House is a children’s ministry for abandoned and orphaned children in Gabon, Africa. This ministry was created out of a local pastor’s vision to see orphaned and marginalized children given the opportunity to experience the love of Christ and parents, and to thrive and enact positive change on a society that had left them for dead. (Pastor Israel & Nathalie Ndoungou). There are between 40-60 kids living at this home at any given time. Hope House provides a loving and Christ-focused environment for the children and protects them from the dangers of human trafficking and living on the streets.  They also receive an education and the older children are taught skills that they can use to find employment once they are old enough to move on from Hope House.

Hands of Grace is our partner ministry to women in Gabon, Africa.  Hands of Grace Center is a place where women can come and receive training and earn income. The largest part of this center is the sewing ministry that trains and allows women access to machines, material and everything they need to learn a new skill. The women work on individual projects that they can sell, larger scale projects such as school uniforms and also items that we can export to States for them to sell as well. The ministry started out specific to widows, but includes all marginalized women who are outcast from their society and unable to find employment.

E4 Project: Nebobongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Nebobongo Hospital is a Christian run hospital that is under the authority of the regional church, CECCA-16 in the northeast corner of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Nebobongo Evangelical Hospital, for all of its resource challenges, remains the best-equipped and staffed hospital in an area serving over 260,000 people in one of the poorest regions of one of the poorest countries on earth.  We have partnered with this ministry through funding a children school and funding a malnutrition program that benefits malnourished children. Faith Alliance hosts an annual 5k each Spring that goes towards the malnutrition program in Nebobongo.


In our affiliation with the Christian and Missionary Alliance, through the Great Commission Fund, Faith Alliance Church supports missionaries in over 70 countries around the world.

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