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Wednesday Night Gatherings

Students in the 6th-12th grade are welcome to join us each week at the Youth Center (212 S. Walnut St. New Bremen). Doors open at 6 pm and group discussions begin at 6:30 pm.   The middle school students (6th-8th grade) and high school students (9th-12th grade) meet separately until 8 pm. Currently, the youth group is studying the letters of Paul.  If you are looking for a place to study God’s Word and group in a deeper relationship with Jesus, you are welcome to joing us!


Mark you calendar for the upcoming events:

  • Youth Retreat- June 2021, Red River Gorge
  • WhiteOut- February 2022, Beulah Beach
  • Life Conference- July 2022, Orlando, Florida

Please check out our Events page to see all event details.

Connect With Us

Stay up to date with youth group announcements or cancellations using the Remind App.  All you need to do is text @jtlampert to the number 81010 or the number 419-615-4052.  You will be asked to include your name, and then you will be added to the group!

Contact Pastor James Lampert at 419-629-3688, or e-mail him at [email protected] with any questions you may have


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