Upcoming Events

Latest Past Events

Fall Campfire // Women’s Ministry

Location: Brian and Susan Kramer's House Bring a campfire snack to share, a lawn chair, and a a drink. Hotdog and s'mores ingredients will be provided.

Proven Men

Check out a new goup, a "ministry for men pursuing purity and godliness." This group begins Sept. 21st  and will meet every Thursday until Dec. 21st, from 6-8 pm at Faith Alliance Church.  To find out more information about Proven Men, visit the website: www.provenmen.org/about-us/ Let us know you're coming to the group by signing…

Moms Group Fall Book Study // Risen Motherhood

Moms Group will meet this fall beginning on September 14th! The group meets every other Wednesday in the Children’s Unit from 9:30-10:45. Kids are welcome. This year, the group will be reading and discussing the book Risen Motherhood. Let the team know you’re coming by signing up at this link.

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