Sunday Morning Service
Faith Alliance Church 06670 New Knoxville Avenue, New Bremen, OH, United StatesStop in and join us!
Stop in and join us!
Faith Alliance’s annual Vacation Bible School will be Sunday July 16th through Thursday July 20th from 6:30-8:45 pm. This event is for kiddos ages 3 (potty trained) through incoming 6th…
Check out the displays after services on August 20th and 27th to learn more about various ministries at FAC. Chat with people who are involved in ministry at FAC and…
The Men’s and Women’s Ministry teams will hold a Back-to-School Prayer luncheon right after service on Sunday, August 27th. Lunch is provided, and the whole family is invited. Join us for fellowship and prayer with your family for back-to-school praises and prayer needs for our area public & homeschool teachers, students, administrators, bus drivers. We…
This event is for adult men who are interested in growing their faith or helping other men grow in theirs. Whether you’re undecided about faith in God, are a new believer looking to grow, or want to develop leadership skills in yourself or others, this weekend is for you! The weekend is strategically designed to…
We love Wednesday Night! Beginning September 13th at 5:15, the Wednesday Night gathering is a great next step for people and families to connect and grow together. There is something special about sharing a meal and spending time with people who love God; it is a valuable time for all ages – from infants to…
Moms Group will meet this fall beginning on September 14th! The group meets every other Wednesday in the Children’s Unit from 9:30-10:45. Kids are welcome. This year, the group will be reading and discussing the book Risen Motherhood. Let the team know you’re coming by signing up at this link.
Check out a new goup, a "ministry for men pursuing purity and godliness." This group begins Sept. 21st and will meet every Thursday until Dec. 21st, from 6-8 pm at Faith Alliance Church. To find out more information about Proven Men, visit the website: Let us know you're coming to the group by signing…
Location: Brian and Susan Kramer's House Bring a campfire snack to share, a lawn chair, and a a drink. Hotdog and s'mores ingredients will be provided.