Chris Fyock
What is your role at FAC?
My role at FAC is to support the ministry of the church by overseeing bookkeeping, payroll, banking, fundraising and tax responsiblities. In addtion I assist with office responsibilities as needed.
What do you love about FAC?
I love the family atmoshere and the close knit fellowship that we share with one another here. Faith Alliance is a very caring place. I am blessed to be able to work here and to assist wherever I am needed.
Tell us about your family & interests outside of ministry.
My husband Jeff & I moved to New Bremen from Galion Ohio in 2005, to be closer to our daughters & their families. We started attending Faith Alliance in 2010. I continued my banking career at Minster Bank in New Bremen, and recently retired with over 30 years in this field. We have 5 grandchildren and are so blessed to be able to attend their various events. In my spare time I love to walk, hike, cook & read.
What other training, ministry, or mission expierience do you have?
My role at Faith Alliance enables me to use my years of banking experience as church treasurer, and provides an exciting new opportunity to continue assisting others. I also enjoy leading a weekly womens Bible study on Wednesday evenings.